TESTIMONIALS. A Few Words From Past Participants.


Our dear tourists!
Thank you very much for all the warm words you have expressed to our team. Several hundred grateful reviews from our tourists from all over the world. We take into account All your warm, native messages to our team on the day of tourism-September 27, when we celebrate our professional holiday and reward the team, taking into account Your opinion.
I have a huge request for you. Reviews are sometimes so good that not everyone believes them, they copy themselves on the sites of other travel agencies. Therefore, I appeal to those who have accounts in other   social   networks, for example, Vkontakte. Please place your objective impressions on our pages to help future tourists.


You can also leave your assessment of our work on Yandex or Google by writing in the search bar "Kamchatka Grand tour" ( the card of our company usually appears on the right). Unfortunately, we are not always faced with the conscientious behavior of unknown people who, in the conditions of competition, not only completely copy the content of our website pages and place it on their own; sites, but also put "units"of our company, never visiting us on tours.

Thank you all for your feedback! It is You who help us to become better!

Sincerely, Inna Obukhova.

Sasha, A week has passed since my return to England and I can now look back on my trip to the Kamchatka peninsula. Firstly, you are a good guide with a sound knowledge of the area and with a genuine concern to make certain that we were 'looked after'. I noted that you were keen to maintain the wilderness and focussed on those elements that make wild camping so special.
Richard Greenwood
Fri, 25 Aug 2000 11:00:31 +0100

Sasha - as a guide he was strong, safe and sure, as a cook he was clean, adventurous and successful, as a person he was warm, kind and funny. The others were all a joy to be with. Good, clean air, and tons of fresh vegetables. I leave happy. Thanks a lot. (see I didn't mention the rain)
14 August 2000
Tim Billet, Hong Kong

I've nothing but excellent memories of our trip to Kamchatka - we thank you for all of your hard work and good humor throughout the trip...I really enjoyed the "off the beaten track" feeling of our trip - all civilized but not too touristy.
22 August 2000
David Mathew, Great Britain.

I (we) enjoyed your company and great cooking.
Best Regards, Stewart, USA
5 September 2001 13:54

Thanks again for the good times and hope to see you soon. groeten,
- Mark , New Zeeland

Thanks again for that great kamchatkan experience! i really enjoyed our trip and the time we spent together!
Christoph Bertschi, Sun, 8 Sep 2002 23:21:05

We wanted to thank you again for an absolutely incredible vacation - we had such a wonderful time! We feel like we learned and experienced so much, and made some great friends in the process...your trip was one of the best vacations we have ever been on.
Pat Tashima & Michael Shaft, USA

I am still feeling great impressions from my stay in your beautiful peninsula, recomending the stay to my friends with the same kind of hard. Many greetings to you and many thanks for your hospitality.
Your Dada Pasha , Liberec

4 Oct. 2002 г. 1:07

Everything was excellent- trip got better everyday! We experienced so much more than we ever imagined we would. The Alaskan "locals" were wonderful and full of information, the weather was great, the scenery was breathtaking."
Cathy & Gary M. - San Francisco

It was great time in Kamcatka. We liked the nature and people too for their hospitality and wellcomeness. It's half of the year now but I'm still feeling to belong to those wonderful places. So have a good time and say hallo for us to those beautiful vulcano.
Richard Stiebitz, Prague Wed, 19 Mar 2003 10:02:54

The people, places, food, The Valley of Geysers and Volcanoes were awesome! People still ask me about it...thanks again for a wonderful trip and great memories! Sindi & Mike M. - Florida
4 Oct. 2003 г. 1:07

"We had a great time with you, and do hope we can join you again, hopefully during the Beringia . . .
Gregg & Karen E. - Massachusetts 23:21:05

Liebe Lisa,
auf diesem Wege mochte ich mich ganz herzlich fur Ihre Empfehlungen bezuglich unserer Kamtschatka-Reise bedanken. Es war ein traumhaftes Erlebnis. Eigentlich hat die Reise alles gehalten, was wir uns davon versprochen haben –Russland pur halt. Wir werden uns immer an die lustigen Verstandigungskapriolen, die wirklich „krassen“ Fortbewegungsmittel, die fantastische Kuche der Kochin Ira und die unglaublichen Naturwunder erinnern.
Ganz wunderbar ist aber die Herzlichkeit der Menschen. Der Reisefuhrer Igor, die Dolmetscherin Svetlana oder die gesamte Kuchencrew sind trotz ihrer bescheidenen Verhaltnisse ein traumhaftes Team gewesen. Sollten Sie demnachst mal wieder im Land der Baren weilen gru?en Sie ganz herzlich von uns. Ich wurde Sie gerne weiterempfehlen, wenn es Ihnen recht ist.
Ganz liebe Gru?e
Bracklow Mike
Germany/ Tour To Tolbachik volcano (02). 27 July 2009 -08 Aug 2009


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